About Us

Our Team Story
Our Actuarial team holds various Professional designations and is part of the American Society of Pension Professionals (ASPPA), the National Institute of Pension Actuaries (NIPA), the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries, members of the American Academy of Actuaries, & the Society of Pension Actuaries.
With a collective experience of many years in the financial services industry, Retirement Actuarial Services was launched by Stephen Arnold, CEO/Founder, and his Co-Founding partners Kathleen Bellucci and Zak Kenne. Before launching RAS, Stephen had a long career as an independent advisor; after working for Mass Mutual for a short period in 2005, he started his own independent wholesale insurance brokerage. He trained, managed, and serviced hundreds of independent insurance agents before focusing on advanced strategies for affluent and wealthy people. Over the years, Stephen has learned about key changes in cash balance laws, defined benefit plans and how they work, and implemented strategies for his own business. Soon after, when working with successful business owners, he realized that they were not being educated on proactive tax reduction and accelerated retirement plans from CPAs or Financial Advisors.
This lack of education and resources in the financial and tax preparation industry has left business owners relying on options like 401k and SEPS that are inadequate for their needs in 5 key areas. Significant Tax Reduction, Accelerated Retirement Savings, Cost-effective employee benefits to retain good employees, saving enough for the high cost of health and medical expenses in retirement, and creditor protection. This also led Stephen to write the Amazon #1 Release and Best Selling Book Designer DB Plus® Game-Changing Tax Reduction & Retirement Strategy for Today’s Small Business Owners.
With our collective experience and commitment to providing valuable knowledge and services, including over 600 custom-designed cash balance plans over the last ten years and the opening of Retirement Actuarial Services, a full-service TPA firm, in 2019, we are proud to bring these invaluable resources to CPAs, Financial Advisors, and Small Business owners nationwide.

Stephen Arnold CRPS
STEPHEN ARNOLD: is the Founder/CEO of Retirement Actuarial Services. As a CPA Team Based Consultant, he provides ongoing education to CPAs on various topics, including advanced tax reduction and retirement planning strategies. He holds a professional designation from the College of Financial Planning as a Chartered Retirement Plans Specialist, educated in the specific area of small business, design, implementation, and maintenance of retirement plans. He holds a Series 65 Uniform Investment Advisor Law License and is a Registered Investment Advisory Representative with Brookstone Capital Management. Stephen has been in the financial services industry for over 20 years, and he is the Author of the Amazon #1 New Release and Best-selling book Designer DB Plus® Game-Changing Tax Reduction & Retirement Strategy for Today’s Small Business Owners. Stephen is a U.S. Marine and his favorite charity is ASPCA for Animals and Wounded Warriors.
Kathleen Bellucci, CRPS
KATHLEEN BELLUCCI: is a Co-Founder of Retirement Actuarial Services and a Plan Design Specialist. Kathleen has been in the financial services industry for 20 years. Kathleen brings a wide range of knowledge and expertise to the firm. She holds a professional designation as a Chartered Retirement Plans Specialist from the College of Financial Planning. Kathleen has served on the board of directors & volunteered for (NAIFA) National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, International Association of Working Mothers (TIAWM), Women’s Money National Council, Women of the Sterling Club, Women in Construction, & Henderson Chamber of Commerce. Kathleen is the former Women’s Money Blog Talk Radio Talk Show Host & Initial President of the 1st Local Chapter of TIAWM. Co-Author of the #1 New Release and Best-selling book Designer DB Plus® Game-Changing Tax Reduction & Retirement Strategy for Today’s Small Business Owners.

ZAK KENNE: He is a Co-Founder of Retirement Actuarial Services and began his career in 2006. He began to design plans in 2008 and now specializes in not only designing new plans but also altering current plan designs to be more effective and efficient. Zak is an Enrolled Actuary through the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries, a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, a Member of the Society of Pension Actuaries as well as a Qualified Pension Administrator and a Qualified 401(k) Administrator through the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries.